About Northern Virginia Photographer Allison Corinne
Maternity and Newborn Photography in Northern Virginia
Allison’s Story.
Allison is an internationally published and award-winning professional photographer living in Great Falls, VA – near Washington DC.
Allison has been certified as a Click Pro Elite since 2020 and as a Hello Pro Creative since 2021.
She was a winner of Click Magazine’s Voice Competition, was voted a Best Photographer in Rockville in 2021, 2020, and 2019, is a Sony Photographer, has been published in Click Magazine and Z!nk Magazine, and was a featured photographer in the book Hidden Cities.
Allison discovered her love for photography in the early aughts as a hobbyist in college, using a film (analog) Pentax 35mm SLR and a point and shoot Digital Elph. She continued as a hobbyist, purchasing her first mirrorless camera (a Panasonic Lumix GF1) in 2008.
She upgraded to a crop-sensor mirrorless (Fuji XT-2) and launched her freelance travel photography business In 2016, after completing coursework at The Photographer’s Gallery in London, England. She then spent two years taking photos in 34 countries across six continents.
In 2019, several months after the birth of her son, she launched Allison Corinne Photography, LLC in its current form as a maternity and newborn lifestyle photographer. She currently uses two mirrorless full frame Sony a7 iii bodies.
Allison combines a unique background in ballet, yoga, and editorial styling to create soulful and dramatic images.

By The Numbers:
2018 – Allison Corinne Maternity Photographer LLC formed and business launched
2016-2018 – Freelance photographer
2003-2015 – Hobbyist photographer
48 – States visited (all but Alaska and Hawaii)
34 – Countries visited
8 – Cities lived in (Ocala, Tampa, Brooklyn, Manhattan, London, Palo Alto, Washington DC, Bethesda)
1 – Average cups of black tea drank per day (no sugar, no cream)
Random Facts:
• The internet tells me I’m Myers-Briggs type INTJ
• Not a Starbucks Fan
• I’ve eaten everything from fried crickets, to alligator tail, to ostrich, (and once, in a developing nation, accidentally ate cat) but my absolute favorite food is PIZZA.
• I don’t drink often, but when I do, it’s usually something with gin in it
• I’ve never seen a full episode of G.O.T.
• I love nature, but am deathly afraid of spiders